[seerealTOKEN] Introducing seereal token(SRT)?

seereal box
2 min readFeb 19, 2021

seerealPOINT vs seerealTOKEN

Please aware that there are many repetitive words/concepts! Stay with us!


seerealPOINT is the same concept with the point we commonly use in online shopping. It is an exchange method that acts as a key currency in the seerealBOX service and a medium that stores its value as KRW currency.

The advertiser of the seerealBOX basically uses any advertising related service through seerealAD, the advertisement platform of seerealBOX, and receives seerealPOINT. seerealPOINT is a reward for the promised activities in the user’s service, e.g. advertisement compensation payment policy made by posting moneyhashtag, that will be distributed to the user of seerealBOX.

seerealPOINT can be exchanged with cash through seerealAD and will be paid according to the agreed payment policy.

User’s activity regarding advertisement can be traced with seerealPOINT, such that user’s rating is differentiated according to the user’s accumulated seerealPOINT. Certain percentage of the revenue of seerealAD will be distributed accordingly to the corresponding user with rating. In this distribution, seerealTOKEN acts as a medium of reward.


seerealTOKEN is a means of rewarding investors and users who have contributed to the growth of the company and services, and is a physical medium that stores its value as currency.

In the case of seerealBOX, the contribution to the service as a user can be measured by the user’s rating, and accordingly, seerealTOKEN will be differentially distributed according to the user’s rating.

seerealTOKEN can be exchanged with cash or other in-kind assets at any time through external exchanges, and the value of the token will be basically formed in proportion to the potential value of the company. When seerealBOX become commercialized, the liquidity of seerealToken will naturally increase creating added value.

