[seerealAD] ICON Smart Contract(SCORE) utilization

seereal box
2 min readFeb 21, 2021

The SCORE is a smart contract running on the ICON network. A smart contract is a collection of code(function) and data(state) residing at a specific address on the blockchain, and the SCORE can be viewed as state transition software that allows users to implement service logic such as token transfer. State transitions are triggered by sending a transaction to an address with the SCORE. All service logic that can be modeled with state transition software can be implemented in the SCORE code, and the module for advertisement execution and payment of the seerealBOX using seerealAD is directly implemented through the SCORE. The programming language of SCORE is Python, a general-purpose programming language, and it provides the state DB abstractions such as VarDB, DictDB, and ArrayDB to help you conveniently store data in state DB.

seerealAD Structure

As above, the data on the advertisement execution of the user collected from the seerealBOX application is anonymously stored in the RDB and QLDB. Among these, the payment history is sent to the SCORE of the ICON network through on-chain, and the payment is made to the advertiser using the smart contract implemented in the SCORE. The additional sharing of the profit of the seerealAD is made to the user through remittance of cryptocurreny. Additional profit sharing to users will be paid in ICX, ICON’s own native cryptocurrency, and seerealTOKEN(SRT), a cryptocurrency for seerealBOX.

